Happy 2010: Live, Love, Laugh

Happy 2010 everyone!!

One of my favorite sayings is “Live, Love, Laugh“. This is definitely a great philosophy to carry into 2010 & beyond. Live life like you haven’t before, Love like you’ve never had a broken heart, & Laugh like no one is watching! We’ve been given another opportunity to do this & I’m excited about the road ahead.

I recently watched Tyler Perry’s “The Family that Preys” again. Isn’t it always funny how when you watch a movie for the second, third, etc. time, you always see something you haven’t before? Well, watching this movie from the eyes of my cousin (who had never seen the movie before), provided me with another way to see it. It definitely reminds us to live life & not to let life pass us by. If you haven’t seen the movie, watch it if the opportunity arises.

“Don’t be so busy making a living that you don’t make a life.” -Unknown

Let’s leave it behind in 2009 & live this year like we haven’t before. May God bless you with the opportunities you seek, the strength to carry them out, & the faith to believe that He’s in control.
Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2010


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