Arlisia Potter family,happy,Holidays,joy,life Family Time & Time Flies

Family Time & Time Flies

I had an awesome time visiting my family for Christmas. What a great trip. I got the chance to spend time with my Grandpa, cousins, uncle, & aunts. I really believe that Christmas is my favorite time of the year (my favorite season remains the Fall!), but the Christmas season helps to remind us of the little things that are important in life. From hearing my little cousins laugh to watching movies with them; in addition to sitting with my Grandpa for a little while chatting. It’s a reminder of the simple things that happen to us that we take for granted; or better yet, the things we need to keep in our memory banks as a reason to smile on the tough days!

I hope that everyone enjoyed their Christmas & took something away from the time spent with family & friends. As we approach a New Year, I think we’re reminded of how fast 2009 has flown by & look forward to what 2010 may bring. I know that there will be lessons to learn, things to do, & battles to overcome, but the anticipation of it all is exciting. 2009 was a good year for me. I know that 2010 will be a good one as well. Looking forward to what God has in store & praying to be able to take it all in.

So with this new year on the horizon, write down goals & what you plan to accomplish. I’m not necessarily referring to resolutions, but things you haven’t done, want to do, put off doing, etc. There’s a lot to do & as we know, time waits for no one!

Expect big things, daily!!!

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2009


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I’m loving this song, “Bravo”, by Ledisi!  Sometimes, we have to give ourselves a pat on the back!  Celebrate, give yourself a round of applause 🙂 Until next time. Blessings,