Praying for Haiti

Yesterday was a normal day for me: work, talking to friends, going out to lunch, & more.  A few friends & I even discussed the cold & freezing weather in Florida (wondering when it would pass over).  Later in the evening, I talked to a friend, who’s from Haiti, & she let me know about the 7.0 earthquake that hit her home island.  I hadn’t heard about it before this conversation.

Our conversation made me realize, even more, how much we take for granted.  It made me see the cold weather as nothing more than a passing thing.  I mean, Haiti, according to the commentators on TV, is the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere!  The people of Haiti have experienced so much heartbreak and heartache, that it makes me wonder how much they can take!  What a true test of faith & determination.  I was reminded by the news that the people of Haiti are strong people with a lot of heart!  I’m still left wondering, when is their breaking point, as everyone has one.

I don’t know if I can continue to look at the news, but then I want to know what’s happening.  I definitely know I can pray!  No matter what, prayer reaches God’s ears & it helps our hearts.

So in the midst of your day, when it’s easy to get caught up in what may be little things, please remember Haiti & others who are less fortunate.  There’s so much we can do besides complain or highlight our situations.  Someone needs our prayers & love.

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2010


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