Happy New Year!

Happy 2022!  It’s such a blessing to see both another day and year.  There has been so much going on for the past few years that I’m continuing to learn not to take anyone or anything for granted.  Every moment lived is beyond any gift I could imagine.  God is truly good!

During my prayer time, as I reflected on 2021, God revealed to me my word for 2022: FOCUS

I felt the word hit me.  I was reminded about my focus being off; where were my thoughts and actions focused even in the areas where I thought I was being intentional?  Where were these same thoughts going when I believed that I had given everything to over to God?  At times, I have to admit, they were focused on everything but Him.  But in God revealing this word to me, to not only walk through in 2022, I must walk in it and live it. 

After this, I began my usual journey of looking up the definition of Focus in the Merriam-Webster dictionary.  One of the meanings of Focus that came up is: “A point of concentration.” 

Needless to say, my point(s) of concentration have been elsewhere at times.  How do I get back to being focused not only on God and His voice, but on His will rather than my own?  Of course, this entails spending time with Him, continuing to remain in His word, and releasing everything fully to Him.

I also had my 2022 Anchor Verse revealed to me:

Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. –Colossians 3:2 NKJV

My word and Anchor Verse correlate!  Besides saying something, I have to do it to the fullest.  Every day is another opportunity to show God the actions of my words.  It’s the opportunity to fully FOCUS on God and where He’s leading me.  He wants for me to grow beyond where I am in the current season.  For 2022, I will purposefully do this!

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2022


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6 thoughts on “Happy New Year!”

  1. Focus also helps us with vision and fulfilling our God-given purpose/s in this life. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I needed this , I am praying for my word. The devil tried to block me from getting this blog .. but God has more power and always reveal himself .. thank you for this .

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