
Okay everyone, they got me to try it! My co-worker and other friends have raved about the Snuggie. I thought I’d give it a try, so I went out & purchased the gift that appeared to be on everyone’s Christmas list.

My opinion, I didn’t get to snug with the Snuggie! LOL. First, I had to figure out how to put the thing on the right way. I guess I didn’t pay too much attention to the commercials that are on TV (I think I spent too much time laughing at the commercials than anything else, then changing the channel). Secondly, my friend, Ms. K, told me that I should’ve taken a “Snuggie 101” class before purchasing! Thirdly, I don’t think that it’s made for everyone, even though the box states, “one size fits all” (& I’m not a large person by any means). It just didn’t fit right to me. Lastly, I purchased this item one day & took it back to the store the next.

I commend those who have gotten exactly what they were seeking in purchasing this item. As for me, I’ll take my good ‘ol blanket any day. This, in my opinion, supersedes a Snuggie! The Snuggie isn’t for everyone! My Snuggie was the “Snuggie that didn’t”.

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2010


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2 thoughts on “Snuggie????”

  1. Yep, the Snuggie. I never really bought into it, but it IS one of those million-dollar cash cow ideas that I wish that I had thought of first! Kinda like the guy who invented pet rock or the chia pet!

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