Daily Scriptures 10/28/10

Scripture: I Corinthians 2:9 But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man, The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” (NKJV)

Nugget: God goes above & beyond what we could ever imagine; His view of what He has in store for us is endless! This is why it’s so important for us not to put God into a box; we must not limit our visions of what He can do & what He can do through us.

God is truly an amazing God! I’ve learned from the things that He’s done, & what He continues to do, to look forward to the unexpected blessings He has in store. I can only imagine what’s on the way! Thanking God for His vision that is beyond measure.

Quote: “We should certainly count our blessings, but we should also make our blessings count.” -Neil A. Maxwell

© Lisi P, 2010


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