
This month is already more than ½ over. Time truly waits for no one! 2011 continues on.

I recently celebrated my 2 year anniversary at my job (God is good!); He continues to guide me & allows me to learn & to grow at work. Also, for this year, a few friends & I are reading the Bible in a Year; I’ve been sticking to the schedule & am excited about this journey we’re all taking. It’s truly amazing what’s in God’s word. No matter how many times you read His Word, there’s always the opportunity to learn something new & to grow from Him & His word.

I finally had the chance to see the movie “Eat, Pray, Love”. I previously read a few critiques on the movie; most of them weren’t good. However, I did enjoy the movie & understood the message that was being told. One of the lessons the movie taught me was to live life. Live it, continue to learn from it, & to always grow. During this process, you continue to find out who you are & it’s okay to change for the better. I do recommend the movie, despite what the critics have said.

I hope your year is starting off well!! Live each day to the fullest; enjoying every moment—no matter what the day brings.

Until next time.



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