Daily Scriptures 1/7/11

Scripture: Ecclesiastes 9:4 Anyone who is among the living has hope—even a live dog is better off than a dead lion! (NIV)

Nugget: God has a purpose for all of us! Every day that we wake up, move, & are clothed in our right minds (all of these because of His mercy & grace), is an opportunity to achieve all that God has instilled in us to do.

We tend to take the smallest things for granted & sometimes even the biggest things for granted. We are among the living—how is your hope today? What can you do today to walk on the path that God has set for you?? Hope exists every day that we are given the blessing to live.

Quote: ‎”You would not be alive unless God has another victory ahead of you.” -Joel Osteen

© Lisi P, 2011


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