Judge Not…..

Throughout life, we find ourselves in the situations of being judged & judging others. It’s amazing because, at times, we don’t recognize we’re doing it. It’s so easy to get caught up in thoughts such as, “I would never do that” or “Why would he/she put up with that?” On the other hand, people are quick to tell you what they would do if “they were in your situation.” However, many of these things are easier said than done.

When I find myself in any of the situations noted above, I truly try to take a step back & evaluate where my heart is, if I am trying to pass judgment, & if judgment is being passed on me! More importantly, I try to handle things through actions that glorify God. Sometimes this is difficult to do because the “me” in myself wants to step forward & step ahead of what God is asking me to do.

Some of us really want to be judge, jury, & more. We try to take on this role, not realizing how we would truly fit into & wear the other person’s shoes. The Bible states “Do not judge others, and you will not be judged” (Matthew 7:1 NLT). What powerful words to live by & to follow.

We’re all in this journey called life together; more importantly, God has our backs. We must keep this in mind when we find ourselves thinking outside of His will & actions for us.
So, when I get too caught up in being a judge that I am not qualified to be, I ask myself, “Who am I to judge?”

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2011


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