Daily Scriptures 6/6/11

Scripture: Proverbs 2:6 For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. (NIV)

Nugget: I thank God for the wisdom that He’s given me. Many times in my life, I was so clueless about some things. I know the only way I obtained an understanding was through the grace of God!

In undergrad, at the advice of a friend, I began to pray over each test I took. This was the best advice I could’ve received. What a blessing it was to know I could go to the Lord in prayer about anything & everything.

There are many areas of our lives where we seek wisdom, knowledge, & understanding. In these same areas, we could be seeking the knowledge from ourselves, but in reality, the knowledge & understanding can only come from God. Seek Him & all that He can do through you.

Quote: “The true meaning of wisdom is having an intimate knowledge of God and the spiritual and metaphysical dimension that will help you see past the appearances of things to reveal a greater meaning behind it all.” -From illumen8.com

© Lisi P, 2011


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