Daily Scriptures 12/12/11

Scripture: Luke 1:28 The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” (NIV)

Nugget: The angel, Gabriel, had come to Mary to give her the news that she would be Jesus’ mother. Before he gave Mary the news, Gabriel greeted her—-“you who are highly favored.” Wow, what a greeting this was for Mary–in the next verse we learn that she was troubled overall by this initial greeting & meeting. However, Gabriel had come with the best news. Not only was she highly favored, God was with her, & Jesus was to be her son!

How many times have we not recognized the favor of God in our lives? Just look at Mary, her initial reaction was not what one would’ve expected. I believe that we can be the same way at times! We can have doubt, thinking “Why me, Lord?” But why not you? God is in the blessing business.

Recognize, acknowledge, & thank God for the favor He has placed on you & your life. Don’t walk around any other way—you are highly favored & God is with you!! Enough said!!

Quote: “God wants to bless us where we are.” -Joel Osteen

© Lisi P, 2011


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