Running Update

Today I completed another 5K run! I beat my old time by a lot; I’m so proud. I’m definitely continuing to prepare for the half-marathon next year. I can’t believe my progress, but I’m happy for sure! Yay!

I’m learning through this preparation that we must continue to challenge ourselves to grow in many areas of our lives; I don’t think that there should be a time where we aren’t looking to better ourselves & work to make ourselves into better people. Growth is a necessity in life. God continues to prepare us & to work within us to make us into the people that He wants us to be.

Never did I think I would take up running (I’m more into aerobics, light weight lifting, Zumba, the elliptical machine, etc.), so running was outside of my element—but I’m doing well in it & enjoying the journey & challenges it presents! Sometimes it’s good for us to think outside-of-the-boxes that we put ourselves in. You never know what you can do unless you try.

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2012


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