Daily Scriptures 8/7/13

Scripture: Hebrews 8:1 Now this is the main point of the things we are saying: We have such a High Priest, who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens (NKJV)

Nugget: Lately, I’ve had a lot of heavy things weighing on my heart. These things can definitely affect my daily routine & thoughts! I am learning to re-focus on God & all that He’s done & continues to do.

I feel that it’s so easy for us to let things & thoughts consume us; at these times (& at all times), it’s best to lean on God, His word, & promises. Today’s scripture reminds us that we have a High Priest who’s right there with God, our Lord, Jesus! He intercedes on our behalf as we face challenges, struggles, & obstacles. He’s there to offer praise with us as well.

When you get to the point where you feel that life & what it’s bringing to you is heavy or overwhelming, turn to God. Continue to stay uplifted in prayer, the power of His words, & the love we have through Jesus. Better yet, don’t wait until things get so overwhelming to do this—make it a daily habit.

Quote: “Anything under God’s control is never out of control.” -Charles Swindoll

© Lisi P, 2013


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2 thoughts on “Daily Scriptures 8/7/13”

  1. Hey Lisi! Love that quote…"anything under God's control is never out of control"! So true! We've mastered "taking everything to God", where we fall short is "leaving it there with Him", lol! Thanks for sharing and thanks for linking up today! 😉

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