Dust Your Dreams Off

Are there dreams & goals that you’ve put off? Are there ones that you believe you cannot achieve? These usually consist of the things we continue to come back to in our minds—-the things we cannot let go of. The ‘what ifs’ & the ‘maybes’. You know what I’m talking about.

One of the things that life continues to teach me is that it’s never too late to achieve anything that I put my mind to. As long as there is breath in my body, the opportunities exist to step out in faith to work towards my dreams & goals.

Sometimes we get in our own way of taking the steps in the directions that God is calling us to go in. What gets in our way can be anything from fear to doubt to money to you name it, but if it’s something that God is calling us to do, He will equip us to do it. He, of course, knows the purpose He put us each here to accomplish. AND these purposes will all tie back to Him & His will for our lives.


So what are the dreams & goals that you’ve put on the ‘back burner’? Just begin…..begin with the first step, which is the hardest one to take, but it will be soooooo worth it as you pursue all that God has in store!

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2018


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