2018 Pinky Promise Conference

I recently had the opportunity to attend my first Pinky Promise Conference hosted by Heather Lindsey & her husband, Cornelius Lindsey.  The days were filled with worship, praise, quiet time with God, meeting fellow Sisters in Christ, in addition to sessions on marriage, singles, health, & so much more.

I honestly didn’t know what to expect from the conference, yet at the same time, went with the anticipation of receiving confirmation from God on some things, & for Him to reveal things to me that I didn’t know.  On the first night, one of the speakers said, “You will get out of this conference what you put into it.”  My mindset was to go to every session I could, be open to God & His word, be open to those He put on my path, & to keep my heart & mind open–consistently.  I was not disappointed.  I did not leave the conference the same way that I came.

From Heather, to Cornelius, to the other speakers (including Sarah Jakes Roberts who I never heard preach before), God removed many things from me, while opening my heart to the gift of receiving.  The receiving included people approaching me saying what God put on their hearts to tell me.  As my Pastor always says, “God doesn’t reveal to someone else what He hasn’t told you first.”  My Lord, I received confirmation.

I, of course, purchased books that I know will help me on my Christian journey & continuous growth (anyone who knows me know that I am a book hoarder J).  I also left the conference with the determination that I would not return home the same, while reminding myself to do what God puts on my heart to do—this will be shown in my ability to step out like the people did for me (speaking into my life what God revealed to them), & to do the same for others.  Also, applying what I heard from God & learned from the sessions, worship, & prayer on a consistent basis.  It can be hard to do this when returning to the ‘real world’ from being on a ‘high’ from the conference, but my 1st week back has been one where I’ve passed these tests!!


I encourage you to step out on faith & do something that will push you past your comfort zone to grow in your relationship with God & your Christian journey.  One weekend, one conference, one sermon, one word from someone else can change everything.

The next Pinky Promise conference will be in July 2019 in Miami, FL.  I’m certain it will be amazing! 

Check out this video recap from the Pinky Promise Conference (courtesy of Heather’s YouTube Channel):

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2018


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