Happy Birthday To Me!

Every day is a blessing & so are birthdays! I’m grateful to have lived through another year of life; both the ups & downs continue to make me who I am & allow me to grow.

One of the main things this past year has taught me is that I’m stronger than I ever knew. It’s one thing to be told that I’m a strong person, but it’s another thing to actually see it for myself. There are various things that I’d put on the backburner & chose to ignore that I decided to face this past year. I can tell you that the steps to get to this point were not easy, but they were worth it in the end. Every situation didn’t turn out as I would have expected, but I grew in spite of not getting ‘what I wanted’, knowing God has something greater on the other side. Oh & what a reminder that He’s always in complete control!

I also learned the importance of continuing to move forward; one of my co-workers always reminded, “Just keep swimming”, like in the movie, Finding Nemo. And I truly kept swimming, even if I felt like I was drowning at times!

In seeking God & His direction for the processes I’ve went through, He spoke & provided answers. The most resonating one being from the Bible verses Philippians 3:13-14. These verses came to me a number of times within the past few weeks! There’s no way I couldn’t pay attention to the message God was sending me.

Moving forward can be difficult to do. We want to move forward, at times, while looking back, but this isn’t possible. I came to the realization that sometimes it’s just time to let go & move forward in God. In moving forward in Him, He directs us, guides us, & shows us His way along the journey. For anyone who needs this: God’s got you covered the entire time! Don’t let doubt or fear or any other emotion keep you from what God has for you. Obedience is a key factor as well; if God says do something, we must take heed to His guidance & follow Him completely.

Every day that I get to see is a miracle—I know that I’m a walking miracle. My friends & family, so are you! As I continue to enjoy this day, with the anticipation of a new year, I pray for you that your hearts & minds are open to His will, His direction & His voice. Live well! Live in Him & with Him!

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2018


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