Happy 2019!!!

Happy New Year!!!  2019 is upon us!!  I’m still trying to figure out where 2018 went.  In looking back on 2018 & my post for last year, I reflected on my Anchor Verses to see if I stuck with them.  I can say that I actually did; they kept me in line with God’s word on many tough days & allowed me to focus on Him. 

2018 was a stretching year for me; in saying this, I mean that it was one that stretched me beyond my boundaries & comfort zone both professionally & personally.  However, the stretching showed me if my faith was where I said that it was or if I needed to grow in some areas.  Needless to say, it was a bit of both.  I do come out of 2018 stronger than I had been. 

I still have so much that I want to accomplish, but I know that this cannot occur without God.  However, I must do my part & stay consistent regarding my dreams & goals.  It can be easy to get sidetracked on things that come up, & let’s face it, life-is-life.  BUT this does not eliminate the purpose of what God has put us here to do.  It’s so easy for another year to go by where we can end up saying, “I wish that I XXX.”  Let’s not do this in 2019.  Spend time with God, get into His word, & see what He’s revealing to you about how to make the things happen that you’ve been put here to do.  In doing what we need to do, He always does what He needs to do.  There’s no reason this time next year for us to be wishing that something happened that didn’t. 

Every year I choose Anchor Verses to guide me throughout the year; they are verses that I focus on, pray about, & have as reminders to help me along the way. For 2019, I’m including one from 2018 & a new one as well:
  • “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us” -Ephesians 3:20 (NKJV)
  • “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” –Philippians 4:13 (NKJV)

For this year, I’m also choosing a word to take action on regarding my walk with God.  This word is release.  When I looked up release in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, its meaning is as follows:

  • To set free from restraint, confinement, or servitude & to relieve from something that confines, burdens, or oppresses

The reason I chose this word is because I began to examine if there are dreams, things, people, actions, thoughts, etc. that I need to truly release to God.  It’s easy to say that I have, but in reality, I have not.  Especially when certain situations or circumstances arise showing that I am holding on tightly to something or someone that I need to release & allow God to handle on my behalf.

There is so much that I accomplished in 2018; I’m proud of who I became in 2018.  I am focusing on growing further from this starting point, continuing with what God has begun.  He will finish His work!  (See Philippians 1:6)

2019 is the year of continued beginnings, growth, & walking fully in purpose!! 

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2019


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