
Do you remember the first time you learned to ride a bike?  When you learned to drive?  Or any of the other “firsts” that have occurred in your lifetime?  Not only were these firsts big occurrences, the emotions that arose from them were big too! 

The feelings of anxiety, nervousness, doubt, fear, and even excitement, can be attached to firsts.  For those in which firsts provided an adrenaline rush, it could push them forward in such a manner that the firsts didn’t really seem like a ‘first’ of anything at all.

But there are those of us who the firsts become what we needed to get to the second.  They were the beginning of many; however, the hardest part was to start!  To step out in the faith God has put in us while walking in who He’s called us to be and what He’s called us to do.

This seems to be the story for a lot of what I’ve lived lately: the pushing into the firsts.  The pushing past fear.  The pushing past self.  The pushing past whatever I made up in my mind to keep me from stepping out.  The pushing into God, knowing that He’s called me for higher in order to grow into more. 

On the other side of the firsts, are the seconds, thirds, and so forth.  One step leads to another and before we know it, we’re thereThere is where God has called us to be for what He’s prepared us for.  For me, the current there is self-publishing my first novel, Back to You, a story that’s been in me to share and is now here.  The characters of the story have been with me for years and are now able to tell their story because I took the first step.  Not only have they grown; I have as well.

As scary as the first step was in this process, the additional steps became a little easier.  Although emotions remain tied to these steps, remembering how it all began made it worthwhile.  The entire process was necessary.

As you begin your next “first”, pause to reflect on past firsts that enabled you to be where you are today.  Let the first lead you to the second and keep going.  One day you’ll look back and your “firsts” list will have new additions!

Though your beginning was small, Yet your latter end would increase abundantly. – Job 8:7 NKJV

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2021


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2 thoughts on “Firsts”

  1. As a divorcee, I have been doing a lot of “firsts”. Thank you for the encouragement to keep pushing forward.

    Blessings to you as well.

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