Does It Matter?

“Does it matter?”  This question has been posed to me various times over the past few months.  It was in connection with conversations regarding where my actions, attention, and thoughts were focused concerning things that I’ve prayed for coming to pass and when.  Meaning, how much energy would I continue to put into the people, things, thoughts, actions, etc. that didn’t matter in the long run associated with the outcomes that I’d received?  Why was my focus on these things rather than God, what He can/could do, and releasing it all completely to Him?  Even in this release, it involved me relenting to what I thought I controlled to what He knew to be true overall. 

It’s easy to put time and energy into things that don’t matter.  It’s as if the “go to” will be this place of cycles that continue way beyond what’s necessary.  The cycles keep us intertwined in the things we deem to be important, when in reality they are just a portion of our life’s journey.  These shouldn’t be what keep us bound, but a drop in the bucket that serve as possible stepping stones for what’s to come.  Basically, there are a part of the lesson, not the entire course.

So why do we do this?  For myself, the underlying answer that God has revealed to me is control, which reflects where my faith and trust are.  Do I truly trust God in all things or is there a part of me that holds on just a little bit to the outcome that I anticipate?  The “just enough” faith doesn’t work when the journey involves me releasing everything completely to God. 

“Does it matter?” has become more than a question for me.  It’s been what I ask myself to check myself!  This self-check reconnects me to God to address the areas in which I not only want control, but the areas where I have to let go of what doesn’t matter and focus on what does. 

It’s not for me or you to worry about what doesn’t matter, but to focus on what we know about faith in God.  As the Bible says, “Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?” -Luke 12:25 NLT

Worry doesn’t add, but subtracts!  Will what either of us are concentrating on matter in the long run?  Has it already been, or is being handled, by God?  Have you released it?

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2021


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