For My Singletons, Pt. 14

Hey Singletons! Long time no “talk” to. Not too much new on the horizon; however, more & more people are becoming “experts” on why there are so many single women out here. My friends & I’ve come across various articles stating why the single numbers are going up: women don’t go where the men are, women are too picky, the church is keeping women single (what!), & so on & so on. There are also movies out there saying why women are single!

To me, it’s sad, because many of these people don’t address that fact that some of us Singletons have standards; both single women & men have standards. I’ve come across the single males out there who say that there aren’t any “good women” out there & the single women who say that there aren’t any “good men” out there. I really believe that we somehow met the wrong people first in this dating process!! LOL. But it’s all a part of the process leading up to what God has planned, not what society has planned for us.

In her article, ”Still Single? What’s the Matter with You?”, Karin Anderson answers the question simply: “It just hasn’t happened yet”. Ms. Anderson couldn’t have put it more plainly! In her article, she does note some of the same things I’ve mentioned above as to why people state that she’s single. However, why do they have a problem with her being single, if she doesn’t?! I know I don’t have a problem in my singlehood & neither do my friends. AND a few of my married friends will continue to say, “Wait, don’t rush into anything.”

Life doesn’t stand still while Singletons are in the single part of our lives: we’re living, learning, & enjoying life. Don’t put yourself in “wait” mode!! Live. Also, don’t listen to those who aren’t in your shoes and who don’t know what God has revealed to you about your life & path.

I think God continually prepares all of us for what He has next in our lives; we just have to pay attention! If we go out of His sequence, we can truly learn a few things the hard way. As God works on you, He’s working on “the one”.

So, if someone approaches you with the question as to “why are you single?”, simply answer, “It just hasn’t happened yet.” –Karin Anderson

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2010


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2 thoughts on “For My Singletons, Pt. 14”

  1. Hi, Lisa,
    Thanks for blogging about my CNN article. It was actually based on a book I just wrote, "It Just Hasn't Happened Yet" which tackles the same themes and then some. I also just launched a website, Would you consider writing a guest blog post? Or we could do an author Q&A about the book on your site.
    Let me know if you'd like to collaborate.

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