A Beautiful Day

It’s a beautiful day outside! I’m glad that the weather is finally looking up. I definitely plan to take in this day & enjoy it!!

The current school term ends soon, and believe me, this is one happy Professor!! I plan to enjoy the hiatus until the next term starts!! Yes, vacation is calling me 🙂 I can say, that this has been a good term & I can see that my students are enjoying what they’ve learned. I can also see growth in them. My regular job is going well too! Being trained on new things & thanking God for all opportunities!

For vacation, I have a few ideas in mind! Working on finalizing the plans, but I want to have a good time with my friends. Definitely will try to visit a new place & see some sights!!

Spring is among us! Daylight Savings Time too! We lose an hour tonight, but will get it back later in the year 🙂 So don’t forget to adjust your clocks!!

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2010


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