Arlisia Potter Bible,Daily Scriptures,God,peace Daily Scriptures 8/18/09

Daily Scriptures 8/18/09

Scripture: Jeremiah 33:6 “But then I will bring health and healing to the people there. I will heal them and let them enjoy great peace and safety.” (New Century Version)

Nugget: It in the scriptures prior to this one, God mentions bringing healing to Jerusalem; this city had so much going on!! But yet, God promised to bring health, healing, peace, & safety to them. At times, we are the same way: we have so much going on, but do we look to God for the healing that He brings?

Don’t look at your situation or circumstance in determining the final outcome. Look to God who can do all things!

Quote: “Peace is not the absence of affliction, but the presence of God.” -Author Unknown

© Lisi P, 2009


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