Arlisia Potter Bible,Daily Scriptures Daily Scriptures 12/10/08

Daily Scriptures 12/10/08

Scripture: II Corinthians 12:19 Perhaps you think we’re saying these things just to defend ourselves. No, we tell you this as Christ’s servants, and with God as our witness. Everything we do, dear friends, is to strengthen you. (New Living Translation)

Nugget: In the scriptures prior to this one, Paul was clarifying actions he took & instruction he gave to the Corinthians. The Corinthians appear not to be receptive of what was being done, but Paul’s actions were to strengthen them.

This is how it is with us. How many times have parents, friends, & other loved ones given us (or attempted to give us) good advice that we didn’t take or closed our hearts & minds to? They were doing this to guide us in the right direction or to offer support & strength.

What good advice are you turning away? What sources of strength are you giving up?

Quote: “Never mistake knowledge for wisdom. One helps you make a living; the other helps you make a life.” – Sandra Carey

© Lisi P, 2008


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