
Recently, I took a quick vacation trip. Here are a few things I’d like to share from the start of my trip.

Today, as I sit on the plane ready for takeoff, I think about the pilot of the plane. How willing we passengers are to trust him & the skills of the flight crew to get us safely to our destination. As Pastor says, “Sit back & enjoy the ride.”

How easily we do this with someone we don’t know, someone who we trust the skills of. But how often do we do this with God, how often do we “sit back & enjoy the ride” with Him? It’s as if, at times, we put trust in those around us, things, & in ourselves before we put complete trust in God. Why is this?

To refocus & realize that God controls everything is what reminds us that everything is in Him & because of Him. Not the aforementioned things.

So as this flight takes off & I become airborne, my trust is not in the pilot (although I’m praying for him), I’ll sit back & enjoy the ride in God, who pilots the pilot & controls the flight.

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2015


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