Uplift Others in Prayer

My Pastor has said, and continues to say, “You never know what the person next to you is going through.”  It’s easy for us to be on the outside looking in, thinking the person next to us has it all together.  Whether we’re sitting in a church service, standing in line, or working beside someone in the office, we’re all carrying something. 

The individual may not have it as easy as one would believe.  This is why it’s so important to uplift others in prayer.  There’s more to them than what the eye can see.  Our prayers can help.  It’s not about what we perceive, but about what God can work out for them and through them because we took the time to pray.

Who can you pray for today?  The coworker?  The family member?  The person you saw at the store?  The friend you haven’t spoken to in a while?

Your prayers are needed, as well as mine!  Let’s take the time today, and every day, to pray for each other. 

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2024


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