

So many of us are seeking & praying for our purpose in life. That one thing that God has called us to do; the thing He has gifted us to do. With life & everything that’s going on, it’s no wonder what God is trying to reveal to us can get lost within the “crowd”. This is why continual prayer, time with God, & getting into His word are so imperative.

During my seeking & praying, I began to see how “What is my purpose?” has become a desire for so many. I decided to look up “purpose” in the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary & the following definitions were provided: “1) the reason why something is done or used : the aim or intention of something, 2) the feeling of being determined to do or achieve something, and 3) the aim or goal of a person : what a person is trying to do, become, etc.”

For each of these definitions, I added “in God” at the end. For instance, “The aim or goal of a person; what a person is trying to do or become in God.” It does bring a new awareness to purpose & what we are seeking, but all of these things can be done in God. Without His guidance & direction, our purpose wouldn’t have his stamp of approval.

I, too, am one who’s looking for & praying for what God has called me to do; a lot of times, He’s told us what to do & we have to “just do it”, by stepping out on faith. For many, this faith can even be mustard seed faith—it’s the only faith that’s carried many through most of the toughest days. Thanking God for the power of mustard seed faith.

Continue to pray & seek God for your purpose in life. He’ll reveal this to all of us; we must be ready to believe, receive, & act on this IN GOD.

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2014


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