

Hello all!! I’m still here. A lot has been going on & I’ve been focusing on regrouping. It’s amazing what God reveals to you in the midst of challenges, struggles, etc. However, I know He’s in control & that He’s developing something in me.

I’m learning the importance of being still; even in the times when I’ve felt that God is doing nothing in this stillness, He is. God has shown me that in stillness I learn to listen to Him, myself, & to gain patience along the way. There’s something about stillness that I hadn’t realized.

In the hustle & bustle of everyday life, take time to yourself & for God. Don’t underestimate how this will impact you. Most times, I’ve always felt that I had to be “doing something”, but the something includes taking time to regroup & to refocus.

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2014


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