“YOLO”: You Only Live Once

This past weekend was a great one for me! I truly enjoyed the time with my friends & even got some “me” time in as well. It became a reminder to me not to take this precious gift we call life for granted.

Although this weekend was a great one for me, there were some difficult moments as well. Six months ago, my hairdresser lost her life being a bystander to domestic violence. Her business partner was involved in a relationship in which the boyfriend came into their salon & took revenge out on everyone who was in the salon. This story made national news & headlines. It definitely is difficult to think about, let alone talk about. Needless to say, I have been doing my hair on my own for the past 6 months. Well, this past weekend, I returned to the original shop my hairdresser worked at before going out on her own. God truly worked it out where He put familiar faces into my return visit, making it one that I could both cry at, laugh at, & remember my hairdresser in the way that I want to remember her. Although the visit was difficult, it was therapeutic. I will always remember my beloved hairdresser & the place she had (& continues to have) in my heart & my life. She is truly missed.

As part of my weekend, I had the chance to run & spend time with my running group sisters! They are truly amazing. During this time, one of the mentioned to me the saying, “YOLO”. I can tell you, I never heard this saying before; thank goodness in the next sentence she said what it meant without me even asking: You Only Live Once. Wow. How fitting this was for the day I had before me (I went to the salon after my morning run). I think that the encouraging words given to me by my friends, family, & by my sister-in-running helped me in my decision to return to getting my hair done & visiting another hairdresser at the original salon (for you see, my hairdresser had been the only one who has done my hair for me, except for one visit as she was on vacation. The hairdresser from the one other visit is who I saw this weekend). So it was a very difficult trip for me.

With all this being said, the next day, I heard the saying “YOLO” again. It’s amazing how God works. I think that this was truly His message for me for this weekend. In the midst of the great times, the tears I shed at the salon, & spending time with friends, God reminded me that life is so short; there’s nothing or no one I should take for granted. He also reminded me of the gift of time, which is just as precious as this life we have.

I know I’ve blogged about this before, but don’t take anything or anyone for granted. Let people know what they mean to you while they’re still here walking this earth. There are many things I wish that I could’ve said to both my Grandpa & my hairdresser, both of whom I lost last year; but I carry them with me in my heart, prayers, & memories, remembering & feeling all that they mean to me.

Enjoy life—don’t put anything off until tomorrow—work to achieve your goals & dreams; allowing God to use you for His glory & all that He has in store. There’s so much to life; we must do our best to remember this & to live life this way.

Remember You Only Live Once.

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2013


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2 thoughts on ““YOLO”: You Only Live Once”

  1. Amen Lisi! Live your life as if today's your last day! So sorry to hear about your hairdresser…I'm sure that was traumatic. It's always hard losing someone special in such a senseless way. Praying that God completely heals your heart! May you have a lovely evening!

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