Daily Scriptures 2/21/13

Scripture: 3 John 1:2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. (NKJV)

Nugget: Many of us face many health issues; some of these issues can be small (from having a cold) to large (facing cancer or other illnesses). Lately, I’ve learned the importance of praying over my health just as I do with other concerns; as this appears to be something I didn’t do as earnestly as I did with other prayers.

A friend reminded me of the importance of seeking God regarding health matters based upon something she was facing. When she made this statement, I was surprised this wasn’t something I’d be doing before; because, aren’t we to take everything to God in prayer?

God is a healing God, just as He was all those centuries ago. He can heal now just as He did then. Don’t allow any health issues that you’re facing to overcome you to the point where you forgot to pray earnestly about these issues, allowing God to step in & to heal you. He always answers right on time.

Quote: “An affirmation to say everyday: The healing power of God is working in me right now. Every day I get better and better in every way.” -Joyce Meyer

© Lisi P, 2013


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