Growth Requires Effort

Growth requires effort. The effort to not only want to change, but to take & make the steps to do so. It’s so easy to say that we want something, but what are we really doing about it? Is there some action being taken in order to grow or step outside the comfort zones that we create?

I came across the following quote recently:

At first, I didn’t grasp the full concept of what it was saying. I was thinking, “Why would I want to lose me & who I am?” However, in this, God revealed something to me: That I would be losing who I put myself in the box to be. Meaning, releasing myself fully to God to allow Him to reveal to me the aspects of myself that I was holding on to that He wanted to change. In losing me, I was finding the ‘me’ He saw versus what I perceived myself to be.

It’s so easy to get caught up on the labels that others put on us as well. Think on the time that some teacher spoke something negative over you or possibly the parent who didn’t encourage you the way that you needed to be. These can create labels that are carried way into adulthood; yet, we know that God designed us to be so much more than labels & the limitations that they can create.

In your growth process, what do you need to lose in order to find the ‘you’ that God sees you to be? What are you holding on to that needs to be lost? Is your growth being hindered by the effort that isn’t being made? Just some questions to consider during the process.

God has so much in store for us! Remove any & all limits.

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2019


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