
I recently heard a quote from Joel Osteen stating, “Beauty is being who God made you to be, with confidence.” The quote spoke volumes. Many of us don’t know how to just be who God made us to be & accept that God knew what He was doing when creating each & every one of us.

Sometimes we focus on others around us; wanting to be more like “him or her”; wishing we had his or her “hair, look, weight, body type, life, etc.” It’s amazing that we can get so caught up in comparisons, while not focusing on the individual right in front of us—ourselves.

At the same time, there are many people who wish that they were “us”. Wishing for our “hair, look, weight, body type, life, etc.” What some people would give to be “you”, you may find astonishing. It’s truly why we have to be happy & love ourselves & everything about ourselves. From the mole on the face, to the stretch marks from giving birth, to the kinky or straight hair we have, & so on. God makes no mistakes.

I’m one to admit, it’s an ongoing challenge to appreciate who I am, as we all have things we want to change. However, the challenge is one that doesn’t have to exist as it’s one that most of us create on our own. There’s no reason not to appreciate, love, & accept who God made. We are His masterpieces & should act as such!!!

Be who God made you to be—-with ALL the confidence possible. Hold your head up, look at yourself in the mirror each day & remind yourself of who God made!! “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” -Psalm 139:14 (NIV)

I leave you with Christina Aguilera’s song, “Beautiful”:

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2012


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