I’ve been counting down to my b-day on the blog counter & now it’s here. Is it any different than yesterday or the day before?? I think the main difference
Category: blessings
I’m learning to be open to possibilities. There are so many things & people that we close out of our lives because it/they may not come in the way we
October is Here!October is Here!
Yes, my favorite month has arrived. Okay, it’s my birthday month, but it’s also the time when the weather changes a little more & if I were up North I
A Bit Discouraged…A Bit Discouraged…
I mainly try to keep positivity in my grasp. However, there are those few moments when I allow the wrong thoughts to come into my mind. I say “allow” because
Big Blessings in Little BundlesBig Blessings in Little Bundles
I’m experiencing a lot of friends who are becoming first-time mothers & fathers. I got to hold one of my oldest & dearest friend’s son today. He is too adorable!!
This year is flying by….Fall is here!This year is flying by….Fall is here!
My goodness, can you believe that it’s the 1st day of Fall!! Although we don’t see the weather changing too much in Florida, I love this time of the year!
Daily Scriptures 9/18/08Daily Scriptures 9/18/08
Scripture: Haggai 2:8 The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the LORD of hosts. Nugget: So many times people get caught up in material possessions and the
Jury Duty, Part 2…..Jury Duty, Part 2…..
Okay all, I just returned home from doing my civic duty: jury duty. It was an all day thing! I wasn’t chosen for the jury. However, I was not too
Daily Scriptures 9/16/08Daily Scriptures 9/16/08
Scripture: Jeremiah 10:23 O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps. Nugget: Many people
Daily Scriptures 9/15/08Daily Scriptures 9/15/08
Scripture: Psalm 70:1 MAKE HASTE, O GOD, TO DELIVER ME; MAKE HASTE TO HELP ME, O LORD. Nugget: We’ve all been through something or are going through something where all