Arlisia Potter careers,dreams,jobs,life Applying & Waiting

Applying & Waiting

I know so many of us out here looking for jobs, a better job, or a career. Personally, I want the career. Yes, the job gets me by (paying bills, etc.), but am I happy? Hmmm. As a writer, I would rather have the writing career than go from paycheck to paycheck in a job that has no growth, but we have to do what we have to do and the bills will continue to roll in no matter what.

Pastor said in a sermon a few weeks ago, “If you find a job you really love to do, then you’ll never work a day again in your life!” This quote impacted me because it’s like, “Yes, that’s what I want.” And many others want as well.

So what is it that you would do if you could do it for free? That’s most likely your calling. What will put that smile on your face everyday? That’s your dream! What is it that you strive for? That’s your destiny.

So for those of us who are applying and waiting, looking for the next best thing, keep doing this. Don’t forget to keep your dreams in mind. No point in doing something you wouldn’t love doing.

Until next time.


~Lisi P
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© Lisi P, 2008


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