For My Singletons….

Why is it that so many people feel that they can say anything to single people? I know what my pregnant friends feel like, in a sense. For those who are expecting or have given birth, they hear some strange stuff: “Can I touch your belly?”, “How much weight have you gained?”, “Are you having twins?” (When you aren’t!).

Yes, being single gives people what they consider “free reign.” We hear everything from: “When are you getting married?” to “Why are you single?” What I’ve learned is to ignore the ones who are negative & to enjoy this time in my life. Yes, this is the season I’m in & is exactly where I’m supposed to be. Once this season passes, I cannot go back & the next one will start.

Philippians 4:11 Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.

Be content with who and what you are before you can be with someone else. Many people want the relationships & the marriage, but they aren’t completely happy with who they are; they do not love themselves. They feel that another person will complete them, but aren’t we all complete individuals? Don’t 2 separate, but complete, individuals come together to make a couple???

Another bit of advice, seek wisdom from older people who have been there & done that. Those who have experience & can lead you in the right direction. I have this in my adoptive mothers & my male role models (love you guys!!). But DO NOT seek advice from someone who has a bad track record & continues to make the same bad choices over & over & tries to speak “wisdom” in your life. I repeat, keep walking!!

Enjoy the time of your life that you’re in. Once it passes, there’s no going back. If you’re a Singleton out there, get out, date, spend quality time with the ones you love & yourself, travel, volunteer…… DO SOMETHING. Don’t waste the time you have because it can be the most enjoyable time of your life!!!

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2008


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One thought on “For My Singletons….”

  1. I am someone who has never understood why people say the things that they say to single folks either and many of them forget what it is like to be single. I usually have to resist the urge to tell them to “go fly a kite.’ This urge does not always subside, but I try. 🙂

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