Arlisia Potter America,Barack Obama,prayer,president President-Elect Barack Obama

President-Elect Barack Obama

Last night, we found out the 44th President of the United States will be Barack Obama. This election is truly historic! The first African-American President (as the news has been saying, although he’s half-white & half-black). I never thought this would happen in my lifetime. I really thought there would be a woman President first. This election & the process it took for the outcome will be something we all can say we were a part of!!

History books will be changed based upon the road to this election alone! Not to mention all the new voters, first time voters, those who were registered & never voted, & those who are now political experts 🙂 who are out there!!!

Welcome, Mr. President & the first family. Our prayers are with you & your new job! We needed the next thing to come in & give us the new direction we seek.

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2008


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One thought on “President-Elect Barack Obama”

  1. This is truly a historic moment! Even though I voted for Obama and prayed he won, I never could have imagined the impact that him winning would have on America. This is what America needed, we are now back to the “real America” full of hope and erady to make change.

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