Arlisia Potter careers,God,growth,jobs,patience,peace,positivity,prayer Still Easing on Down the Road….

Still Easing on Down the Road….

Today marks one month since I’ve started my new job. I can’t believe how quickly it’s flown by. I’ve learned a lot & am still learning. It’s all good stuff. There’s opportunity for growth. I know that God makes everything happen for a reason & this is where He wants me to be. I just have to do my part now that He’s placed me here!

With this being said, I encourage those jobseekers to remain strong, keep applying, & know that when God wants to open that door for you, He will. It may not be when you want it to open, but God is always right on time. He never gets anything wrong. We must always remember this.

Of course, it’s difficult to remain encouraged when all we hear about are the bad things, but there has to be something good going on as well. There’s a flip side to everything, just remain focused on Him–not your situation or circumstance.

There’s someone praying for you that you don’t even know about; when you’re wondering where that extra strength is coming from, it’s from those who are silently (& not so silently) having your back.

God always answers on time! Count your blessings & continue to see them add up.

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2009


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