Arlisia Potter blogs,friends,life,time Back in Business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Back in Business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yay, the Internet is working again @ my house. I’m so glad. Goodness, if I could tell you how crazy it was to be on the phone w/ “technical support” the other day for a whole hour & getting no where: a complete test of patience. Needless to say, the tech guy had to come out today & do something w/ the modem. It took all of 5 minutes & I’m back up & running. I cannot begin to say the crazy month I’ve had getting all the technology back in my home!! LOL However, I can’t complain too much, everything worked out in the end.

And what a crazy month it’s been, period. Moving, learning a lot about so called “friends”, going to weddings, baby showers, etc. Yes, it has flown by. No wonder I don’t know where this year is going đŸ™‚ Time flies.

On to other things, I’m going to see my friend’s little brother today; he’s like my little brother. However, this little brother is now 18 & going to college in the Fall! I remember him being like 6. What happened? I swear when he said, “I got into my first choice school”, I wanted to ask, “What are you talking about?” Okay, so I see them getting older, but I never see myself getting older. Yes, it is happening simultaneously. *smile* I guess I want to think of time standing still, but time waits for no man (or woman)!!

I’m happy the weekend is here! I plan to enjoy & relax. With this said, take some time to yourself. Pray, read God’s word, & meditate. All of this helps in re-evaluating where you’re going & what you’re trying to achieve in life đŸ™‚ There’s nothing like reflection.

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2009


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