A Heart for Singles

I’ve always had and have a heart for Singles.  Singles are the population that others feel the need to give advice to.  This advice can range anywhere from giving insight as to why one doesn’t have a mate to how one can find a mate.  The advice can be unsolicited to downright rude, at times.  I honestly believe that the advice-givers don’t feel that they are being rude or intrusive, but they have no idea how their opinions can impact the individuals on the receiving end.

Somethings I’ve learned in my single journey were to remain encouraged and the forever faithful “be strong.”  Most importantly, I learned the importance of loving myself, loving God, and knowing that everything would come together in His timing, especially the desires of my heart regarding a husband.  God knows what and who was best for me and when I would be ready for it and whom.

God’s timing in all things!

My singles journey officially ends in less than three months!!!  God brought the man He was preparing for me to me and brought me to him.  We were both praying similar prayers regarding God bringing us who He was preparing for each of us individually.  During this preparation, God was also making us aware of being able to receive who He had planned for us.  Nothing was without God’s input, say-so, and timing.

For the Singles out there, I’m praying for you and with you.  May my words encourage you: Wait on God and live a full life as a Single.  Don’t let anyone (including yourself) make you feel less than in your Single season.  You have to be happy as a Single before you can be happy in a relationship.

Per Ecclesiastes 3:1 NKJV: To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven

Your time will come in God’s timing.  No sooner or no later.

If you need additional encouragement, you can purchase my devotional, For My Singletons, here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08VBMNP13

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2022


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