
Lately, I’ve been focusing more on enjoying this life that God has given me. For we all should know, that nothing is guaranteed. I think that each day, there should be so much to be thankful for that we should have no reason to be down. But unfortunately, this is not always the case.

How do we do this? Enjoy? Be joyful? For some, achieve that happiness???? We have to live each moment! There’s so much that I “put off for tomorrow” or “decide to wait” to do, that it turns into months & sometimes years going by!

Pastor mentioned the other day in Bible Study, that there is a difference between happiness & joy. He said, “Happiness is how we feel based upon what happens to us, but joy is peace in God”. This is so very true because many people put their happiness in things, people, & circumstances, but joy in God is knowing that we KNOW that God is in control & that our peace comes from Him.

With this being said, don’t put off for tomorrow what you can do today. Don’t do anything or have anyone in your life that is taking away from the joy that God wants you to have.

LIVE!! Enjoy, today is now. Tomorrow may not come.

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2009


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