My Blog List

I have been blogging for a little more than a year now.  I have met a good number of fellow bloggers out here in Blog Land.  There are a few that you will find on “My Blog List” that I follow on a regular basis. (There are a few I knew before Blog Land)

I wanted to point out some of the ones that I visit and how they have helped in my blogging journey as well as other parts of my life (especially my Christian walk).  You should stop by them if you get a chance 🙂  These are in no particular order!

1) Love Abounds at Home:  Ms. Sandra has a way of reminding me to stay on track.  She doesn’t know this, but her encouraging words come right on time!  Sometimes these words aren’t words that I knew I needed until I read them on her blog!

2) Humble Heart: Becca’s blog shows me that we have a lot in common.  From our posts to our way of thinking.  Her posts send me confirmation of things I’ve written about, prayed on, or both.

3) Like Water for Chocolat: My friend’s blog lets me know to keep living & to try new things.  She’s always on-the-go & living life!  The life lessons she posts help me along the way.

4) My Spot on the Shore: Lorrie’s posts put a smile on my face & always get me to thinking.  Whether it’s her trying vlogging for the first time or posting God’s word, I’m guaranteed to walk away different than when I started reading!

5) Just Stuff: Daphine!  Just love her & her stories.  She shares life lessons that make me smile.  I enjoy all of her posts.  What a great spirit she has.

There’s so much I can say and more blogs I can add (which I’ll probably do at a later time).  But I wanted these fellow bloggers to know that they have made an impact on me with the stories & pictures they share.  Do not think that no one is reading what you’re sharing & that it doesn’t make a difference, because it does!! I’m glad to have met you in this world of blogging.

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2010


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One thought on “My Blog List”

  1. Aw! That is so sweet:) I feel honored that you are a follower and you find my blog interesting! It seems we do have a lot in common and thanks so much for I am humbled for you to even point out my blog to others. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. God certainly has placed a burden in my heart to reach out to others. What a blessing.. God Bless ya sweetie!

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