Daily Scriptures 8/29/11

Scripture: Psalm 69:1 Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my neck. (NIV)

Nugget: Life & the things we face can definitely be overwhelming; just the day-to-day on-goings of life can bring on the thought of “Am I going to make it?” The best part of going through these days & things is that God is with us. We just have to call on Him.

I’ve faced a challenging few weeks, but keep my eyes, mind, & heart focused on God; He knows what He’s doing & knows the limits of what I can handle. We must always have this mindset when challenges are upon us!

Don’t allow the things you face to be bigger than the God you know & love! God is above all things.

Quote: “God wants us to live like the grass. Even if it’s stepped on, crushed, burned and cut; it always persists and grows back even greener and stronger.” -Unknown

© Lisi P, 2011


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