Daily Scriptures 5/14/12

Scripture: Proverbs 19:8 To acquire wisdom is to love oneself; people who cherish understanding will prosper. (NLT)

Nugget: Everyday, I feel that I learn something new; whether this be for work, personal growth, or spiritual growth, I feel that each day presents the opportunity to gain knowledge.

This is something we all should look to do—acquire wisdom. We’ve all heard the saying, “Knowledge is power”, & what a true saying it is. Knowledge is what gives us the power to prosper.

We definitely must use the God-given gifts that He’s given us, but we must continue to learn & to grow on a daily basis. Let’s challenge ourselves to find the knowledge to be gained in each day.

Quote: “What a man does not understand, he does not possess.” -Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

© Lisi P, 2012


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