Trials & Tests

God definitely has a way or two of showing us that He’s in complete control of everything! My faith has undergone various trials & tests in the past few months. Some I feel that I haven’t passed, others, I think I’m on my way.

One of the most important things I’ve learned that is no matter what I’m going through, I cannot give room & power to the devil (or even my own thoughts) in these situations. I’m a child of God, & there’s no way He would want me to handle things in this manner!

Of course, various scriptures have come to my mind; I’ve been reciting them too, but at times, your heart, mind, & actions don’t line up. It’s as if I was going through the motions. However, in talking with very good & true friends, my eyes & mind have opened to what God wants me to do. He wants me to trust in Him, learn from these trials & tests, & know that He’s working on everything for my good! My God is amazing; our God is amazing!! He’s our Father.

Please be encouraged—-no matter what you’re facing. Know that God’s plans will prevail—no matter what we may think or see. It’s all working out for our good. Our part is to trust in Him, believe, read His word, & be prepared for the strength & growth we’re going to gain along the way.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” -Romans 8:28 (NIV)

Here is some on time advice from my friend’s blog as well: Girlfriend Let’s Talk.

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2012


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