You Are Here

 Have you ever been at the mall, not knowing where the store you were looking for was located? You stop at one of the directories in the mall, in search of the store. But first, on the map, you locate the “You Are Here” symbol. This is the beginning to finding where you are going to get to the store. I began to think about this in my Christian walk & my search for God when I feel that He’s not here.

There are so many times that we go blindly in search of things, people, & ourselves, not realizing that God is there, even when we feel that He’s far away. However, God is very much near, we are just unable to find the “You Are Here” spot in our daily walk. God is around, but we are lost. Just think of the times when you’ve stared at the directory in the mall & the store you were looking for was around the next corner. That’s how it is with God—He’s right there.

Are you looking for God in the midst of your circumstances, challenges, daily walk, etc.? Have you checked the “directory” & are unable to see that He’s right there? He’s waiting for you to “find” Him in the midst of being lost. He’s waiting for you to call upon Him in Jesus’ name. Don’t miss that He’s right there looking at you to seek Him.

It’s definitely overwhelming (& at times frustrating) to be lost, looking at a map, & being unsure of where you are going! However, “You Are Here” & able to find God in the midst of being lost–He’s right there waiting for you to find Him in what you’re going through. Similar to when we find that store we’re looking for on the directory & how relieved we become—how much more relieved we’ll be when we realize that God is a consistent part of our map of life, & is right there waiting for us, loving us unconditionally?

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2013


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3 thoughts on “You Are Here”

  1. I sometimes feel like I am a little lost in life unsure of where to go but sure of where I am. It's hard to walk by faith but a wise man once said that faith is walking on the path up to the edge of what we can see and then taking a few steps past that trusting that God will guide our steps.

    Also, I'm happy to be your newest follower! I'd love it if you could take a second to check out my blog and follow me back 🙂

    Thanks so much,
    Tyson @

  2. Hey Lisi! So true! We must always keep in the forefront of our minds that God said He would NEVER leave us or forsake us! Thanks for the reminder and thanks for stopping by and linking up! Have a blessed week!

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