Daily Scriptures 11/7/14

Scripture: Psalm 89:46 How long, LORD? Will you hide yourself forever? How long will your wrath burn like fire? (NIV)

Nugget: There are many things that I’ve gone through, & some things that I continue to go through, in which I ask God, “How long with this go on?” These circumstances & situations make me question if God is still there. These are the things that challenge my faith, but also develops it. I’ve learned from & prayed on these situations, which have furthered my growth in the Lord & my walk with Him.

Asking God questions is part of our walk & relationship with Him. However, His response may be to stretch us like we’ve never been stretched before; to challenge us like we haven’t been challenged before. He’s creating us into who He’s called us to be.

Quote: “God infused us with strength when He created us. Then He gives us challenges to see how much it has grown.” -Unknown

© Lisi P, 2014


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