What Does God Say?

The words of those around us and even the words we speak to ourselves have impact.  There’s the old saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.”  This saying is one that most of us can repeat verbatim; it’s the one we were told to say when someone’s words, in truth, did hurt us.  This saying was one where the intent was to protect us and help us to fend off the hurtful influences of people and the world around us.  But in reality, did it achieve its intent?

I still remember somethings that were said to me out of hurt and spite.  Things that were said by family, bullies, and even so-called friends.  It’s interesting how these words are ones that can arise at inopportune times, yet are reminders of what made me the fighter and advocate I am in doing what’s right.  One of my favorite sayings, and action item is, “Treat others how you want to be treated.”  I do my best to live by it.

But what happens when the words of the world come barging in and overtake what you know God’s truth is?  The words of the world can get louder at times AND if it’s not the words of the world, we find our own voices within the mix.  In trying to find God’s voice over the noise, we can forget what God says, and even what His word says.  Meaning, who and what are speaking louder??

I had to be reminded this past week about what God says.  Lost in the midst of the world, my words and thoughts, was that still quiet voice of God coming through.  Reminding me that I am His and that what He says is true. Even in my weakness, God was and is there.

God says, in Jeremiah 1:5 NKJV:

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;
Before you were born I sanctified you;
I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”

God knows us and His will for us better than anyone, including ourselves.  Remember, our thoughts, words, and actions are weighed down by self, surroundings, experiences, and other people.  Sometimes, these weights permit us to lose a bit of ourselves while trying to stay afloat in what is drowning us.  BUT GOD, is always there with His presence and unconditional love, reminding us that before I formed you in the womb I knew you.

What does God say?  What does He say about you?  Your situation?  Your circumstances? Life?  What is He trying to speak to you that you are not hearing? 

What is God saying???  Close your eyes, open your heart, He’s whispering to you.

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2021


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3 thoughts on “What Does God Say?”

  1. Awesome word. Thank you for reminding us to shut out all the negativity and listen out for God’s truth!

  2. Absolutely! Thank you for reminding me to turn the volume up on God’s word and not the enemy.

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