
If you’ve read my New Year’s post for 2022, you may know that my word for 2022 is focus.  I’ve been intentional about being and remaining focused throughout January 2022.  In doing so, I found myself getting back to my goals and taking further actions on my entrepreneurship and writing journeys.

Last month, I had an exchange with a Sister-Friend in which I realized the words we shared were not only about encouragement, but also accountability.  While checking in with her, she and I shared where we were on our journeys and the goals we’d set for ourselves; resulting in our promising to check in again within the next month.  Little did she know that she was putting me on notice.  BUT, this wasn’t a bad thing.

Yes, I have my support system of individuals who continuously hold me accountable, yet my Sister-Friend’s words were further confirmation of how in the last few months my focus had been off.  There have been a number of occurrences that placed my “to-do” items further down on my task list.  By her checking in with me, my Sister-Friend gave me a gentle push to refocus on the things that I’d delayed on.

Accountability is real!  There’s nothing like a support system that can encourage you despite of the season you may be facing.  God knows when we need a word and who to send the word through!

How do you feel about accountability?  Who holds you accountable?  How do you hold others accountable?

Sometimes, a gentle check-in is just what we need!

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2022


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2 thoughts on “Accountability”

  1. So true! I have an accountability partner and friend who keeps me focused on mr entrepreneurial goals. We bounce ideas off each other and spur each other on to greatness!

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