
With everything that’s going on today, one thing I’ve noticed that changes for some people is focus. Staying focused drives us towards the goals & dreams that God is guiding us into. The challenges with staying focused comes in the form of TV, people, time, the desire to continue on when difficulty arises, & more. How do we stay on track in the midst of it all?

I’m reminded to not lose sight of God & what I see that He has in store. If God has put something in my heart to do (& yours as well), the desire to accomplish it will stay there; it’s up to us to follow His will & His way. I believe that if these dreams are not accomplished, or at least the attempt to work towards them, that the feeling of “what if” remains in the back of our minds.

Think of the people you have around you; are they for you or against you? It’s sad to say, but the ones who you’d think would understand your drive & focus would be the most supportive; however, this is not always the case. Allow yourself to check your surroundings & those who surround you & determine if they need to be there.

Re-focus: get back on track when you feel that you’ve gone astray; don’t ever feel that you’ve gotten to the point where there’s “no hope”, because as stated earlier, if God put something in you to accomplish, don’t lose sight of the dream & what it takes to get there. Sometimes, re-focusing may include reevaluating your game plan to get to your dream; the route to the dream may be one you didn’t expect. The people God will strategically place in your life to get to the dream may still be on their way into your life!

Focus, pray, dream big, re-focus, seek God!! These definitely are a good game plan to stay focused on what God has in store. Don’t let anyone or anything tell you or indicate otherwise!

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2011


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2 thoughts on “Focus”

  1. I love this post. I just wrote about the same topic a few days ago. Focusing in on what God has placed in your path, is key to your success. Be blessed!

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