
Wow, it’s June 1st already! Time is flying by. I decided to try to do a mid-year check to see what I’ve worked on so far this year.

  • God blessed me w/ a better job & a new place.
  • Getting myself in order & continuing to be the best person I can be.
  • Learning more about “letting go & letting God”.
  • I’ve definitely learned more about discernment & when God reveals stuff to me to take heed as to what He’s trying to get me to learn & to see.
  • Went on my first cruise!
  • Working on getting tickets to my first NFL game!

So far so good; prayerfully, the rest of the year will go smoothly.

Well, with June 1st being here, we must also remember it’s the start of the Atlantic Hurricane Season. I’m not looking forward to this! With all the rain we’ve had recently, I think this hurricane season will be a hard one. We must stay prayed up!!!

Until next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2009


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2 thoughts on “June…..”

  1. I too am learning to let go and let God! Amen!

    Did you have fun on your cruise? Did you take any pictures?

    Congrats on the new job! God is good!

  2. Daphine, hey! Had a great time on the cruise. I'm planning the next one. I took a few pics, but my friends took more, so I'm waiting for them to possibly forward them to me. I'm thinking, everyone should try a cruise atleast once!

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