Lessons From A Parking Space


At my job, if you arrive at work after a certain time, or if you leave to run an errand on your lunch break, the possibility of finding a parking space when you get there is very difficult. Basically, the lot is completely full & you can drive around for 30 minutes or more trying to find a parking space; waiting for someone to leave so you can “grab their spot.”

Needless to say, yesterday I had to leave for a meeting located in another area, so in doing this, I “lost my parking space”. When I returned, I drove around for a little bit trying & hoping that someone would leave in order for me to be able to park.

Somewhere during my going up a row & down another row, I made the declaration, “God, you will give me a parking space!” This made me think on the power of the words I speak, so I spoke this out loud! In the next few minutes, I found a spot. However, the spot was one in the furthest space in a very large parking lot. Then my mind began to think, “This space is way out here.”

I began to think of what God must’ve been thinking: “Lisi, you asked me for a parking space, & I gave it to you. What more do you need?” I felt convicted because God really did answer my request & there was no delay; additionally, there are many individuals who pray to be able to walk across a large parking lot. I politely pulled into the parking space, thanked God for answered requests, & walked into the building with a smile.

How many times does God answer our specific prayers & we react in ungratefulness because, although He answered, we wanted the request to come in another way? Or how many times do we request something of God, but don’t ask fully, & then get upset? For instance, in my request to God, I could’ve said, “God, you will give me a parking space in the first row of the parking lot.” But this isn’t what I requested & then I began to murmur.

Lessons from this experience:

  • Make your requests known to God; be grateful & thankful when He answers prayers. Praise Him, don’t complain.
  • Be specific in your requests. If you want a brand new car, don’t just ask for a car! Ask for exactly what you want.
  • There is power in the words we speak! Speak life, positivity, & gratefulness.

Until next time.


© Lisi P, 2014


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